Cities: Skylines 2 Announced For 2023

Author: Brian Powell Jr
Date: March 10, 2023 9:44:00 pm EST
Last Updated: June 1, 2024 9:01:59 pm EDT
Read Time: 1 min read

As part of their Paradox Announcement Show this past week, Paradox dropped an announcement trailer for the upcoming Cities Skylines II. The game is currently slated for release in 2023. For those unfamiliar to the game, it’s a city management/builder game where you have control over developing your city. This includes road placement, public services, utilities, zoning and urban development. The original Cities Skylines was released on March 10, 2015. Since release they’ve continued to support the game with new features and development options. Even now they released a new DLC on December 13, 2022.

From the trailer, the biggest thing that popped out to me was the implied inclusion of seasons. If this is coming, it will be a big change. Cities Skylines had played around with the idea of seasons, but the implementation was only in the form of permanent winter maps. If they’ve improved the weather system and also added seasons it will be a big improve to the realism and challenge factor of the game. I’m looking forward to learning more about this upcoming release over the coming months. If you’re interested in checking out the original, you can find it on Steam.