New Civilization Game Confirmed to be in Development

Author: Brian Powell Jr
Date: February 19, 2023 11:57:00 am EST
Last Updated: June 1, 2024 9:01:59 pm EDT
Read Time: 2 min read

A new entry into the Civilization series, a turn-based strategy game spanning the lifetime of human civilization where you lead a nation to glory, was announced to be under development a couple of days ago on the Sid Meier’s Civilization Facebook page. FIRAXIS GAMES, a 2K/Take-Two Interactive studio, has been developing the Sid Meier’s Civilization series since 2001 along with several other Sid Meier’s games. Sid Meier is the co-founder and current creative director at FIRAXIS. At this time, no release date has been announced, but I’m looking forward to playing the next installment (unless it’s a Beyond Earth 2).

FIRAXIS GAMES announcement tweet of new Civilization game in development

Civilization 6

Strategy Changes in Core Game

When Civilization 6 released in 2016 it brought some significant design changes to the table building off the changes introduced in Civilization 5 where you could no longer stack all your units into one tile. These new changes included the separation of districts from your city tile and wonders had to now be placed on the map. They also introduced different unit classes so you could stack multiple units, but only one of each class, in a tile for more diverse strategy over Civ 5.

The addition of districts was an interesting mechanic because it provided more variety in city placement and defense. For example, if you had a neighbor you wanted to defend against you could place and encampment near the border that acts a fortress (spawn location for new troops if empty and bombards enemies) once you build walls. Another example was placing a city a tile or two off the coast and building a harbor district. This would protect you from early naval melee attacks while still allowing you access to naval production.


Civilization 6 went on to have 2 DLCs, Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm, that further expanded on the the strategy and variety in the gameplay. Rise and Fall added the aspect of era Dark and Golden ages with each impacting a civ’s performance during the era. This wasn’t without issue, though, as it kind of changed the meta strategy of the game to focus earning era points which sometimes were from completing trade routes, since research boosts or completion, or culture research. Falling into a Dark Age wasn’t the end of the world, but a Golden Age also didn’t hurt.

Gathering Storm was the most impactful change to the game in my opinion. This added new environmental hazards such as volcanic eruptions, river flooding, sea level rise, hurricanes, and even meteor strikes. With the exception of the sea level rise and the storms, these events usually provided a benefit to whoever controlled the territory (i.e. temporary food bonus). These environmental changes were balanced in the game by adding more ecologically mindful power generation and sea walls for the worst case scenario.